Living Spherically? No short task.
Remember the "crazy blond"? Who incidentally had some wonderful advise.
The advice was to “live spherically — in many directions at once.”
This is the first entry into my new life of Living Spherically.
Each day, I will be posting an entry and hopefully taking those steps to live a more
balanced and well-rounded life. Chaos is no way to live and I have put an end to it right this minute.
I think for most of us, we look at the statement and say, okay-fine. I will live spherically.
But what does it really mean? I suppose it is slightly open for interpretation. No doubt each individual will look at the statement and apply it to his/her own life and make the conclusions thereafter. Which, I suppose really is the point of most bits of advise.
For me personally, I look at the statement and imagine all the things I want my life to mean when it is all said and done. When I look back, I want to feel as if I really tasted life.
I am already eclectic, which literally means selecting or choosing from various sources.
But do I live spherically? No. I think the answer is no.
I can derive beliefs from various religion(s), I can listen to a wide variety of music, I can choose from a plethora of menus. . . But that is not exactly spherical.
Background info: Four years ago, I had a miscarriage and took up the bottle. The last four years have been chaos, turmoil, and a haze of self-abuse and depression. Of course, I have put on an insane amount of weight and lately have had a general dis-like for myself. Now, I know that it wasn't my fault and that I possibly handled the situation poorly but that is just how I roll.
I also have this thing about being alone, and here lately I am feeling it more than ever. My mother left town, my sisters left town and I find myself in foreign territory. I have always felt lonely but this is different and I fear I will take it harshly if I don't start doing something about the way I think and feel.
Of course there are a number of tragedies that make up my life, and I am sure you will all get a sample of them in the future but for now...
Moving on....
For me, I think living spherically is delving in to each subject you can get your hands on. I am not specifically referring to knowledge alone. But yes, there are so many things to be discovered by reading and learning.
My goals for living "More Spherically"
1) Dancing. Something that simple-- so many of us cannot really dance. I find ballroom dancing captivating. Why then, should I not learn?
2) Finishing a novel. I am a writer. I write poetry and short stories constantly. Many of them published. I want to finish my biography and so I shall continue to work on it.
3) Playing the piano. I've always loved it, yet I've never taken the time or initiative to learn.
4) Teaching myself spiritual discipline. -- I have never been a disciplined person. I have no grounds for a firm belief system. I know what I believe, but why do I believe them?
5) Gardening. I have a wonderful love gardening, but my green thumb is turning brown.
6) Cooking. I love to cook, and I happen to be rather good in the kitchen but I stick with the same old things because I know I like them.
Which leads me to...
7) Experimenting more. Not just in cooking, but everything in my life, I stick with what I know and rarely branch out and test the waters of unfamiliar territory. I think #7 is the most important of my "Living Spherically" challenge.
8) Letting the people I love, know I love them. This is not something I do. I tend to be a very closed off and shut down individual. I don't find that fair to either party.
9) Being more gentle with myself. I tend to judge myself to harshly and critically.
10) Having strong convictions but no real means or source to back them up-STOP IT!
So there we are 10 goals which may not exactly be achieved to the letter, but it seems like a simple enough guideline to begin. Stay tuned. I am sure this will get sticky but with a little support... well, we'll just have to see.
So this is Monika signing off, reminding you to live spherically!
P.s. Any Suggestions? What are you doing to live more spherically?