Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Terrariums & Theories

Ahh well the ideas that come to some of us in the wee hours of the morning...

Several years ago, I decided I HAD to have an aquarium, there was no rest until I purchased my brand new 55 gallon tank with hand-crafted solid cherry stand. I bought lighting equipment, gravel, tank accessories, live plants, and I do not even want to discuss the amount of money I put into filters, tank conditioners, vitamins, meds (for ick), bubble curtains, flake, freeze dried shrimp, feeder fish, and the actual fish; let's just say after calculating it...the amount was obscene.

So here we are, down to our last fish a plecostumous (sp?) that will just NOT die! He is huge, nearly as long as my arm. He has had the tank to himself for the last year or so and a few hours ago I walked in to find him dead. I should perhaps feel sad, he is the first fish I ever purchased and the poor guy has survived a lot of shit over the years but NO, I am relieved. Finally, no more fish.

Moving right along, I get to thinking just how much I actually invested in this take and stand alone; and I am not so sure I just want to get rid of it. Of course, I could really use the space it is taking up, but... at any rate this got me to wondering what exactly I could re-use it for and I could come up with nothing. Low and behold, I Googled it... and you would not believe some of the shit people do with old aquariums.

I came across something rather interesting, in fact it is almost a dying art. Terrariums!
Of course you see them amongst animal enthusiasts (vivariums) but how often do people actually walk into homes anymore and see a terrarium? I know they are out there, I know people still grow them... but I confess, I have not walked into a home since I was a child and seen a terrarium.

In the spirit of living "more spherically", I really got to thinking that, that is something I'd like to take a crack at. I already fancy gardening, it is something I have never tried and it is very much my speed in the sense that it is nearly a "set it, and forget it" (damn Ron Popeil) sort of thing. I have spend the last four hours brushing up on terrariums and I honestly think I can handle it. I am a little sketchy about what to plant however.

I was really leaning towards a carnivorous plant garden, but I have known several people who keep or have kept them, and it seems a little to advanced for my gardening skills. I am a mere novice yet. I am not much of a landscaper, my philosophy has always been "plant everything". Yet there is this little voice telling me, "what the hell, go for it".  If I decide to go for it, I plan to go with Nepenthes, Butterworts, and sundews. I would love to have Venus Flytraps, but I read on several sites that they do not fair too well in terrariums.

If I go the smarter route and start simple, which I hate doing...I have no idea why I am hardwired to do the hardest things first! LOL. I favor the Vrieseas, ferns, calatheas, sinningia, episcia, and perhaps philodendrons. I wonder if Bleeding Hearts would fair in the environment? I live in Northwest Texas and have always had a hell of a time getting them to grow in this dry, hot climate. And of course I love things that vine...Moonflowers are insanely difficult to grow here, and I think one vining plant in the tank would be beautiful. I imagine it would need some training, but the picture I have in my head it gorgeous!!! 

Does anyone have any tips? Or pictures of your own terrariums? I would be thrilled to see them!

This is Monika signing off... reminding you to Live Spherically!!