Well would you believe I survived The Holiday? That's right I definably did--To think I threw the most god awful inner tormenting fit ever and then shockingly had a pleasant time visiting with my family. Drew Drops went with me and we stayed for about three hours and laughed and just enjoyed ourselves. -- The real torture came later AHHH!!! What an on-going night-mare!
So here's the skinny: As is our tradition after our turkey dinner, we went to the bar. Drew got drunk, I walked him to the car, helped him in, told him I was finishing my drinks with Katie (My little Sister) He told me it was no problem he would be there... well 10-15 minutes later and Officer came in and proceeded to lash out in the most rudest of manners. Demanding to know ho owns the "BLUE Hyundai" and he wants to know NOW!? To which the people at the table replied, "No one here" --because the car is SILVER for one. (real observant of him huh?) He looks directly at me, tells me I thought you might like to know "He" is going to jail. I immediately stand up and ask excuse me... But uh, WHY exactly???
He tells me "well it looks like he is burglarizing a vehicle I KNOW he doesn't and couldn't possibly own."(profiling and a bit presumptuous??) So my little sister chimes in with "well look if you are talking about the silver Hyundai, he has permission to be in there, that's my car." THEN this guy says, "well he is getting a P.I." to which I say..."He is in the car, that is private property, and furthermore it is parked on private property." The cop huffs at me... and THEN, FUCKING THEN, get this... Changes his story again and says LITERALLY: "Well, Uh...he ran from me." To which I reply quite rudely "1. How many times are you going to change your story and 2. I just had to help him out to the car and there is no way he was running anywhere but to the backseat because the dude can't even walk." This prick of a fucking cop- loses his shit, jumps in my face and tells me that I need to zip my lip and quit sassing him if I don't want to go to jail right beside him. So I ask him what he would charge me with... asking questions and disputing an officers integrity?- Cop flips again, walks out the side door of the bar--hauls Boo Diddly away.
I call the bond people IMMEDIATELY--they tell me it is a ticket-able offense of 350.00 to bail him would cost a total of 500.00 so I should just let him sit it out until 8am when the judge shows up for arraignments and he can plead no contest, sign a piece of paper and come home--I don't like it, but that is what I did.
So now, this is Thursday night...Friday, the judge decided not to come in because it was a holiday so still he sits--Saturday...I call and ask "Just exactly what are his charges" They tell me just a simple P.I. nothing else. So I ask ok, why is he not out then?? They can tell me nothing blah blah blah, snore.
Come Sunday, I had E-FUCKING-NUFF --I call a bondsman, toss up a 600.00 camera for collateral and have him bailed out. (which is a story in itself, UHHH!) So he Finally get's bonded out Early Sunday morning at 4:00am
The bonds-lady tells me, we need to come in Monday before five and set up payment arrangements. Sure thing No worries.
So here it is Monday morning I am up at 8am -take a shower, pull every trick in the book to get him up and finally we are off the Bail office...she follows us to the police station so she can witness that we've set up an arrangement. As the lady is looking up he name she made a "Ooo" sound and this was NOT a good "Ooo". It was a squinty eye, wrinkly nose "Ooo". So I ask her whats up... she says well he has a capias warrant -- so we explained that he just did 4 days and he should get those days as a credit for the previous September P.I. he copped. She says No, it is not showing that he laid it out. So then we say ok, then it is towards this new "Thanksgiving" P.I, and the bond is null and void. No, she says.
Ok people, you CANNOT--DO YOU FUCKING HEAR ME!?-CANNOT bond out of jail with a capias warrant in the state of Texas. I tell the bond-chick this and she says well i know... if I knew there was a warrant, I wouldn't have bonded him out. Tpo which I reply, there is no way you would have know... As soon as you handed the bond over to the jailer and she ran it through the computer, it would have showed up!!! and he COULD NOT have bonded out. They agree with me, yet he was still put in handcuffs less than 24hrs after he was bonded out! to sit for another 3 days on the old September P.I. warrant issue. -- Yet I still owe the bondsman $125.00 plus the ticket for $350.00 if the $125.00 goes unpaid, they revoke the bond.
And the five days he just spend in jail on this new charge are just...sort of missing. FUCKING A NUTS (and just a little Chintzy, I might add) right?!
Now let me tell you why... In school a friend of Drew's used to pick on said officer and beat the hell out of him on several occasions so now that he is a cop he has turned into a badge bully and uses his authority to do as he damn well pleases. Come to find out this local officer has had other charges brought up against him for very similar actions. His behavior was LESS than becoming of an officer the night he was initially arrested.
Furthermore, I have had dealings with the police in this town since I was 12 years old and there have been times where I acted a damn fool around them-scream, holler and cuss and quite honestly would have deserved to have been told to shut the hell up but not once has an officer ever treated me like this officer did.
And to cut this short before I drive myself bat-shit crazy ... I am appalled, disgusted, furious, upset and would love nothing more than to fight this charge, and have something done about this poser cop.
On that note...I shall close this one.
Live Spherically!!