Today is a day for touching base, a day for updates, a day for enlightenment and realization...Today is a day for a new damn blog.
It is officially 2011, in fact we are 9 days into the new year, nine hopeful days into a new genesis. To say the least, last year didn't seem to fair to well for me, but when I think about it, it was really rather a rough year for most people I know. I cannot even begin to calculate how many people I heard say, "It couldn't possibly get any worse" as we ushered in this new epoch. At any rate, when that ball dropped in Time Square it certainly did so with a reverberating BANG!
Recounting 2010...well that would be one long and pitifully depressing blog, so lets just go with a few basics, shall we? I was kicked out of my home of twelve years and spent the better half of the year in an alcoholic miasma; mostly trying to mask the fact that I was deeply depressed and wholly unmotivated. However, truth be told the latter spans back far further than 2010.
Surprisingly, as I scan over the whole of last year and recount the god awful spiralling, it suddenly doesn't seem to be completely unfruitful. In fact, I have taken a few steps towards personal improvement. I am now enrolled in school and will be attending the Milan Institute of Cosmetology...Not exactly what I had planned for my life, but when I really think about it, I never really planned anything other than "live fast, die young". I admit I feel like a little bit of a sell-out but in turn I understand and accept that this decision is a wonderful step into action.
I will be the first to tell you that I waste time more than anyone with half the motivation.
For twenty years or more, I have always depended on "tomorrow", but I abruptly have come to consciousness, and understand that "tomorrow" is never and can never be guaranteed.
I have always said that I have one life to live, and I intend to do just that; but as I have been doing all this "living"...I have essentially been broke, miserable, drunk and lonely.
Well cousins, that just "Ain't" livin'. It boils down to exsisting, and I want ever so much more than waking up and breathing day in and day out.
All this time I've been waiting for something to land in my lap, or praying I'd win the cosmic lottery. I now grasp that you have to earn good karma; you have to work hard for anything worth having. So there it is, I intend to work...and I intend to strive for new ideals and visualize my goals. No more being idle.
And there you have it, a newly added blog. Wish me luck, cross your fingers, say the rosary and as always...Live Spherically!
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